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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our Sleeper-15 weeks old

Here is our muffin cup, precious baby girl, sweet angel plumpkins, and also known as the little squirt squirt. She is 15 weeks old and loves her routine. She is a thumb sucker. She also loves to SLEEP. Squirt sleeps anywhere from 11-13 hours (continuously at night) depending on what time we finally get to put her down. She has been doing this for quite a while now.
This is the only one of our three children who actually fusses to go to sleep. Tay Tay would ask to go to bed, however it was not at this young of an age.
She is napping as we speak, hence why I am typing so much. :)

Hangin' At The House

"Everyone look at the camera and say, "Cheese".""Let's try that again"

"Good Job!"
*Now, don't go judging my Tay Tay's clothes or the fact that Squirt won't look at the camera. Sometimes we just go with the flow.
Tay's desire to change clothes 100+ times a day wears her daddy out.
I am now having her layer them and this is what we get. Gotta love a girl!

14 Weeks Old

Here is my Squirt Squirt at 14 weeks of age.
Yes, that was last week, however I am trying to keep you all updated.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today I'm A BIG Sister!

Here is a picture of my niece Ella Grace. Behind her is her mom, Shelly. My kids call her Aunt Peaches. Today, Aunt Peaches and Uncle Matt-Mew (my brother, Matt) went in to have baby Addison Rose.

These pictures below are the ones I took after Fluffy called to tell her she is officially a BIG SISTER. Addison Rose "Addie" was born today, February 20th around 3pm.
Addie weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 19.5 inches long.
We are so excited to have little Addie here with us now!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow Day-January 17, 2007

As you can tell, we don't get much, but when we do get some, GET OUT THE BOOTS! We can go out and play like we did!

We Have Another Thumb Sucker! January 15, 2008

Squirt Squirt-January 7, 2008

Sleeping In Her Crib-January 3, 2008

I know that I have not been the best at updating this thing. Thanks for being patient! When I get a chance to have all three in their beds sleeping I am going to start updating this rather than clean my house. I feel that will be better for my sanity.Here are some pictures from January 3, 2008 of my Squirt-Squirt as we affectionately call her. She was sleeping through the night (10p-5a) at 5 weeks, so we moved her in the room with Tay Tay at 7 weeks of age because we knew she could do it. Now at 13 weeks today, she is sleeping 12+ hours at night (6:30p-6:45a). I know we are blessed!

Christmas at the Skating Rink

Tay with MeMaw (12/16/2007)
I have to say that until I married into the Reid family, I had never heard of Christmas being done in a skating rink. Now, I have and actually it was a rather incredible tradition. I am sorry to report that this might have been the last year for the entire Reid side to get together at the skating rink. You see, MeMaw sold the rink this past year (2007) and I am not sure we will get to carry on the Carthage tradition. Nevertheless, we had an excellent time and not to be forgotten.
The above picture warms my heart for many reasons. You might know why if you know my husbands background with roller skating. He is one heck of a roller skater, however it goes beyond that fact. He is teaching his children how to skate on the same floor he learned to skate on. And from the stories I hear, he was even younger then these two are. Whenever you get him near a wooden surface with wheels under his feet, he can show you come moves. (I have been wanting wooden floors in our house and now I am questioning it per the above sentence.)
Nevertheless, I am posting pictures from our Christmas memories.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Got Some Catching Up To Do

Laying in bed reading with Daddy (11/21/2007)
15 days old (12/1/2007)
Posing in her new "big girl" bed (aka-my old "big girl" bed) (12/2/2007)
Gavin in his "big boy" bed (aka-Daddy's and G-Pa's bed) (12/2/2007)
Hold on Bro! (12/4 /2007)