We are so very thankful to have such wonderful grandparents that want to be plugged into our life. Boo, Tay and Squirt are so blessed!
This game started out with a pre-game tailgate in G-Pa's Prius.
Since we are now vegan, I made Boo his supper for him to take to eat prior to the game.
I was so excited to find vegan chicken-free nuggets!
Thank you Whole Foods and Plumgood for our great vegan foods.
He was born for this stuff.
This sure beats watching it on tv.
G-Pa, thanks for taking care of little G.
He adores you and loves the time you guys spend together.I really love the photos JK took with her camera.
If only she would send them to me.
She is pictured below and I love her to pieces.
JK is an excellent mother, a great wife, a fantastic friend, a God-fearing woman, fashion forward, hosts a top notch bed & breakfast,
and she loves full-on make no bones about it big-time kind of love.
God knows just how thankful I am for those nights on the soccer field when, as a family, we became friends.
You are such a sweet soul & I will always cherish the times we had & will have together.
Here are some great pictures of Boo and JK's son, little E.
These boys love being around each other and it shows.
I love their faces when they are together.
They have the best time!
Here they are in the press box.
I promise little E does have a left eye.
I will make sure I post a photo with proof.