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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Anyone Up For a Ride On The Float?

Daddy and I were having a blast in the pool at our house on St. George Island. Needless to say, I was watching him try to get on a float and could not get the video camera fast enough. If you want to see it on break(dot)com click here.

Working on Vacation - Watch more free videos

Take Me Back to St. George Island

This is why I am 21 days behind on our blog.
I am mentally stuck.
The title says it all.
Chris and I have bee saying that life is just different there.
Even though dishes needed to be done, laundry had to be washed & folded, things had to get picked up, and children didn't miss a meal nor a nap...things didn't seem overwhelming.
There is something about this Island that is closer to heaven. Time didn't move as fast. You didn't mind waking up early because you knew it ment that you were going to be outside.
The children were angels.
Fluffy and Giggy were able to join us last minute, so that might be why the previous statement was true.
Needless to say, St. George Island, we will be back.

There will be more pictures to follow.
I need to tend to this house now.
No more denial.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day Of School

My sweet babies were so excited for their first day of school yesterday.
Boo is going to be attending pre-k at the Reid Academy & Tay will be at the day school.
Boo and Tay were told to smile for the camera & they decided to pose this way.
I just love it when they love each other so much!
Tay Tay and Kay Kay are the best of friends!
We are so thankful they are in class together.
These girls are just precious when they play with each other.

Tay Tay's Teacher this year is Ms. Nancy. We are looking forward to our year with her. She is going to be perfect for our little Tay Tayter Ree!

Here is a photo opp for the ages. I asked Ms. Nancy if she could take a photo of us three. She did and I am so glad. I realized I don't have many photos of the four of us. Much less the five.

Squirt rarely smiles for strangers due to her studing them until she feels like she can figure them out. If Ms. Nancy can make Squirt smile, then she is going to do great with Tay! Thank you Grammie for the kids clothes for their first day of school.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wedela Baby

Tay is now offically a Wedela Baby.
This is the miracle Shampoo & Body Wash + Calendula Cream
that has transformed her skin to an even better level.
Daddy & I were trying to figure out what was causing Tay's skin to be so bumpy.
We then decided to rule out the citric acid found in the shampoo & body wash products.
Amazingly, we couldn't find a single product at Publix (it was so late at night, I couldn't shop at my wonderful Whole Foods) until we came upon Wedela Baby.
I am so glad we found these products. They have changed my Tay Tay's skin!