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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where is Mary Poppins?

Good Friday brought some serious storms to middle TN this year. One positive thing they brought to our house was a very windy day and excellent conditions for kite flying. Papa brought over an awesome kite for Boo and he to say he was chopping at the bit to fly it would be an understatement.
All I could think about is when the winds change Mary Poppins moves on to another house...maybe mine was next.
Spiderman was scaling the tallest building...i.e. tree
Check out the clouds
The view from our front porch. Boo was LOVING this weather!
(Just ignore Bonnie on the street.
We were working in the driveway and needed the room.
I swear we don't keep her there.)
He had a blast tugging the kite and making Spiderman dance!
So we are in the process of moving furniture and the china cabinet is part of the process. Needless to say, I had all of our Wilton out and the girls took a liking to it. Not only that, but the glass beads used in the bottom of flower vases...they found a LOVE for those as well.
Where is that Mary Poppins?
I need a spoon full of sugar right about NOW!

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