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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This One's For G-Pa

Our sweet babies LOVE sitting by our back window when the weather is beautiful. We can not get enough of the 70 degree days! Also, one of our favorite things to do is to use the magnetic pads for drawing and practicing our letters.
This is usually how they chose to sit every time as well. Squirt loves being in the middle of her big brother and big sister.
Daddy loves his babies. This is a perfect example of how they love him back. Squirt, of course, thinks daddy hung the moon. When she catches him sitting down (which is rare), she climbs up next to him and soaks it up!

Here is a precious picture of Tay with her daddy. They are all dolled up getting ready for the Father/Daughter dance at our church. She had the BEST time with her Hero. He also had the BEST time with his Princess.

Check out my man in his boots and hat! Tay was in a "twirly" dress and was the bell of the ball. This was a night to remember. When the song "Cinderella" started playing, Chris said you should have seen her face. They were playing HER song!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Move over Garth!!!! Tay is beautiful like her Mama!!! We miss you!