Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The Reid Crew would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.
May you enjoy every memory and moment you share with your loved ones.
(I know we aren't really smiling, but I'm still posting)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snowy Day

I know I don't post much, however please know it's because I am spending my days and nights being a mommy and a teacher to my kids. I am cherishing every moment I get with them and I am not taking it for granted. I love my time with Daddy as well. Thank you for all being so patient with us and I will start to update more often. I have got some updating to do! :)All three in the snow.

Squirt enjoying the moment outside
Tay loves the snow

Boo had the most fun I think!
I will post more pics soon. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Squirt's First Birthday Is Around The Corner

I will be back on here soon. I promise. Squirt's first birthday is Saturday, November 15th. Pictures will be up soon as well. Things around here have had to move infront of the blog. I can not wait to share with you the most recent photos of her standing unsupported. I will also have to take some photos of her 9+ teeth. We still do not have any hair. Actually, I am great with that. I can not stand hair bows. I am a closet freak about that. Thank you mom for not making me a bow head. I really do love you for it! :)

I'll see you all soon. Going to bed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sweet Prayer Warriors

To all our sweet prayer warriors,
A BIG thank you! Squirt Muffin Cup is taking a turn for the better. We are now have two nights behind us of no poopies (during night time hours) which in turn is allowing her hiney to heal ever so slightly. During the day, she still is having diarrhea, so the healing process gets slowed down. I am now bathing her in baking soda which helps. And every time I allow her to roam around the house without her diaper as to allow her hiney to breathe, she allows her hiney to poopie. This never ceases to amaze her Daddy that I haven't caught on.
So, to summarize, we are so very appreciate of your prayers. I have really enjoyed having you stop me and ask how Squirt is. You all warm our hearts! Also, that you for all the offerings to help. And for those of you who did...THANK YOU! The dinner (b/c you know I had to hang up my Superwoman cape for a day or two), grocery shopping (b/c who wants to clean up isle 7? Really? Not me!), calls, messages, and prayers...they all mean the world to us! We are so blessed to have wonderful family and friends! You all are the best!
Much Love In Christ Who Strengthens Us,
The Reid's

Monday, October 20, 2008

We Need You!

Prayer Warriors
We need all of you to pray for Squirt
She isn't feeling well
I am writing this at 2:51am because she has the worst diaper rash I have ever seen
Chris and I are to the point of tears
I am watching her sleep on the floor of the den without a diaper on
-in hopes that the open air will work wonders
This is because we cannot change her diapers fast enough before she has another bout of diarrhea
Her skin is so raw-it is open and oozing
She screams in pain when we go to clean her
She also has a rash all over her trunk and back
We suspect that might be from her 103.1 fever this past week
We were on our knees praying to God for Him to heal her and please show us what to do
So, please prayer warriors, this might sound petty to you however we need you to pray for healing for our sweet muffin cup a roo-roo

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Six Things About Me

I have been tagged by Jamie for the Six Things About Me.
Without further ado:
1. I am a vegan. My whole family is vegan. We love it! I never knew how many alternatives there were until I started shopping at Whole Foods. Maggie Moos is missing their best customers...who will take our place?
2. I would love to start my own vegan bakery. With the dairy/egg allergies & people wanting alternative options, I think it would be great. Nashville was ranked 9 on the worst cities for vegans. A bakery couldn't hurt.
3. I have a crazy eyebrow-the left one (my left). It turns blond in the summer and remains lighter throughout the year. I wish you had the same.
4. I would rather have my eye poked with a pencil than clean my house. If you know me well, you know this is true. Speaking of, I am writing on the blog instead of cleaning...see, I can be productive and still not clean. Wishing you were me right now...
5. I can pick up almost everything with my toes. I love going barefoot! Don't get too jealous...
6. Born and raised right here in middle TN. Nashville, Brentwood & Franklin-it's quite odd really. This area has changed so much, yet still has the same feel to it. So many want to be musicians and career changes bring in a new crop of people daily that it's hard to find those of us that were born here. I did move to Lexington, SC for the soul searching time in my life. It was way to brief and I am still dreaming of moving back to the SC beaches. That will have to be when the kids are all in college...thanks to Vandy. :)

Tag, you’re it
1. Kaci
2. Mandy
3. Beth
4. Sara
5. Jennifer
6. Sherry

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Angels in Heaven

I went to Angie's blog and I started to cry. Let's just get an AMEN that it's 11pm at night and everyone is in bed or else I would have so explaining to do. AMEN!

Some of you that know me know that I have an all-out-there kind of personality. I try to be as open as I can to some extent because what is there to hide really?. Well, I was not prepared to be so vulnerable.

For those of you that do not know, October 15th is the National Day of Remembrance for pregnancy and infant loss. This includes all babies who have died because of miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, or any other infant death. I was unaware of this date on the calendar as well. Maybe you are thinking why did this get to you? I am a sucker for my blessing from God. I love my babies! When Chris and I were married back in September of 2002 and found out we were pregnant Halloween 2002, I was stoked! We couldn't wait to get started on enlarging the family. Then we found out we were preggers with number two 8.5 weeks into the pregnancy and were excited as well.

At this point Daddy was in anesthesia school when Tay was born and we were living down in Spring Hill which was a massive amount of time on the road for him. We were trying to make my stay at home business work (which was actually causing us to go into debt, but that is another post) and swallow the reality of him gone a lot with me home with two babies under the age of two. Looking back, I can totally see God's hand carrying us the entire way. Our marriage got stronger as we leaned on Him to hold us and to care for us. We had an amazing family living across the street from us and they quickly became our friends and helped us keep our sanity. We also had a good amount of family help as well. Don't get me wrong, I would not change a thing! I love having my children close in age and these times in Spring Hill will always be dear to my heart.

While all this was going on, we found out we were pregnant again with our third child in early September 2005. I was having some female issues and called my OB/GYN's office to speak to a nurse I had known for quite a while. She advised me to take a test if I had one lying around (again, if you know me...they are always around). I did and it was positive. My heart sank. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. I ended up doing both. This was the first and only time I didn't tell Daddy. I kept it a secret because on so many levels this was the one more thing he didn't need on his plate. I shuttled both children in the double stroller into the ultrasound room and much to my wondering eyes did appear, but a baby with a heartbeat. Now my wondering ears didn't have to wonder any more because right next to them were two small little babies age 9 months and age 26 months talking and caring on. Tay and the soon-to-be baby were going to be 16 months apart the tech said. I didn't know what to do at this point. We were so financially strapped, yet God had a plan I kept telling myself.

So, what do I do...pray. I strolled the new photo of the baby and my two other ones out the door and to the car. Then I decided to call Daddy. We met at a close by fast food joint he hopped in my car and I handed him the pictures. I figure at this point it's better than telling him. Let the pictures to the talking. I can remember sitting in the car in silence. God has a plan. We have faith, so let's just keep praying and we'll save the freaking out for later. We begin to start embracing this new baby and plan ahead for what the future will hold for our new & quickly growing family.

Away we go into the next week and something isn't right. I feel different all of a sudden. People can ask if you know you are pregnant. I always say no/yes. Somethings just different. I was experiencing a different kind of feeling. One would liken it to a grandfather clock that just stops ticking. Everything just felt off. Like all the parts don't have a job to do anymore. Very empty.

I made an appointment to see the Dr. again for a check-up. All four of us go this time. I lay on the table and await the sound of the baby's heartbeat. Still waiting. The Dr. says that by this stage of the pregnancy, we should hear the heartbeat externally. My heart starts skipping beats. I feel it racing. What's wrong? Oh, it's just worrying for nothing. Surely. He tells us to go and have an ultrasound done for this might still be to early.

I do believe we had the most insensitive ultrasound tech in the building. She would not let us look at the monitor and was way to quiet. I was trying to occupy my thoughts with talking to the kids and Daddy. Finally, I give Daddy a look to let me know what's going on. He looks at the monitor and has a very sad look in his eye. I will never forget that look. One of hope that is fleeting. I hope to never see that look again.

The tech finally shared the news that our baby did not have a heartbeat. I now know what I had felt that day in those moments were the peaceful moments of our baby ascending into heaven to meet Our Father. The baby's physical body was left behind in me to serve as a reminder of his/her time here on earth, yet his/her spirit was now in heaven. Those moments there on the table, changing back into my clothes, going back to the Dr.'s office, trying/not trying to listen to him speak of a d&c, walking to the car, getting into the car, and the drive home were the hardest moments for me. Forget previous episodes in my life...this topped those.

One of my dearest friends, April, and I were discussing the conversation we had in the car after my news. It is seared into our brains. We share a common bond and one day if she blessed me to share the story of her sweet Molly's journey to heaven I will. It is a very powerful one.

Daddy and I spoke of having our baby the natural way and in God's time because we felt that is what He wanted us to do. The Dr.'s office called us and said that we needed to make an appointment, yet again we sat at our dinning room table and said that we were going to not take that option. You know when you feel God tugging at your heart strings like he is playing a harp...well that was what was leading me to stay strong on the outside while the inside was falling apart. I was wanting to have that baby. We were wanting that baby. We had come to peace with adding a baby to our mix in April. Now, it was September 23rd and we are looking to give birth at 10 weeks. What did I do wrong? Why this? Why now? Faith. That's why. As Angie has told me, "God is for me. Not against me."

On the following morning, September 24, 2005, I woke with my bed sheets red. I rushed into the bathroom while everyone was asleep and gave birth to my third child. Daddy soon woke up. We looked at the placenta which was amazingly beautiful. Such rich colors. The umbilical cord was a rainbow of wondrous colors. But the most awesome of sights was our baby. Baby Angel was perfect. Daddy dropped to his knees in awe and wonder with tears in his eyes and down his checks. The baby made the moment real. You know when you see things on a screen and/or in pictures...they don't seem real. It's like a soap opera. It's not real. Well, this is what we needed to make it real. God knew that we needed this. Not every family does, and if you had a d&c, I am not discounting your experience. God knows your needs are different than mine. Our families are different. This is what we needed.

I will spare you any other details other than we hadn't told our families the news until later. Daddy's sister was getting married the following weekend and her bridal shower was that day, so we pulled ourselves together and pretended we were fine as to not take anything away from her special day. We later informed the families and it wasn't mentioned further. Sometimes it's hard to bring up subjects that make people uncomfortable. Death isn't pretty. It's hard and hard isn't good conversation.

One happy note: Whenever we see white butterflies, they serve as a reminder of our baby angel. One day, I was praying to the Lord, letting him know that I believe we are all the better for having baby angel in our life and just then the most beautiful white butterfly flew up around the window I was sitting next to. The window isn't covered with flowers...actually we don't have any flowers in our yard. Just started crying and truly felt God's presence all around me. I really believe that he sends messages to those that are looking for one. I am a big believer in signs...and not like the krispy kreme hot-now signs (although, at one point I did think that was a great sign). My mom use to tell me that God can't call you on the phone, nor send a postcard, so you have to listen closely and keep your eyes open. Well, that was all the sign I needed that day that baby angel is doing great and that he/she watches over us until we meet him/her in heaven. Boo was playing in the yard a while back with Daddy & Tay and he came in to tell me that baby angel was playing baseball with him. I looked quickly up to Daddy and he nodded his head at me. He said, "Sure enough, a white butterfly (baby angel) was flying around us while we were playing." God is good. He is for me and my family and all who believe.

October 16, 1999 is another day that is one to remember for the Amick side of the family. My dear sweet grandmother, Dorris Amick, better known as Baca went to be by her Father's side. It is hard to fathom my mother has been without her mother here on earth for 9 years. I really don't know what I'd do without my mother. It's been hard enough to not have my grandmother. She was always one to make us laugh. My brother, my cousin and myself are all better for having her in our lives.

Thank you Baca for teaching me that it's okay to wear two different shoes with two different size heals at the same time as long as they are the same shade of black, to try getting out of a car with my seat belt still attached, to flip words around in a sentence and make it sound correct, and one of our favorite greet your neighbor with a burp as you pass them on the street. I can see you now making your slim fast shake with real ice cream just to make it taste better. :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I've Been Tagged

My dear friend Jennifer tagged me to go to our file folder and post the fourth picture. Well, here it is.
And yes, Squirt is messing with Boo's ear & Tay is looking somewhere else.
Don't laugh, this might be in your mailbox in December as our Christmas card if we can't find anything better. :)
So, now I tag Kaci, Mandy, Beth M., Sherry, and Tanya.
Really there are many more I could list, I just thought I'd pick five.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Anyone Up For a Ride On The Float?

Daddy and I were having a blast in the pool at our house on St. George Island. Needless to say, I was watching him try to get on a float and could not get the video camera fast enough. If you want to see it on break(dot)com click here.

Working on Vacation - Watch more free videos

Take Me Back to St. George Island

This is why I am 21 days behind on our blog.
I am mentally stuck.
The title says it all.
Chris and I have bee saying that life is just different there.
Even though dishes needed to be done, laundry had to be washed & folded, things had to get picked up, and children didn't miss a meal nor a nap...things didn't seem overwhelming.
There is something about this Island that is closer to heaven. Time didn't move as fast. You didn't mind waking up early because you knew it ment that you were going to be outside.
The children were angels.
Fluffy and Giggy were able to join us last minute, so that might be why the previous statement was true.
Needless to say, St. George Island, we will be back.

There will be more pictures to follow.
I need to tend to this house now.
No more denial.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day Of School

My sweet babies were so excited for their first day of school yesterday.
Boo is going to be attending pre-k at the Reid Academy & Tay will be at the day school.
Boo and Tay were told to smile for the camera & they decided to pose this way.
I just love it when they love each other so much!
Tay Tay and Kay Kay are the best of friends!
We are so thankful they are in class together.
These girls are just precious when they play with each other.

Tay Tay's Teacher this year is Ms. Nancy. We are looking forward to our year with her. She is going to be perfect for our little Tay Tayter Ree!

Here is a photo opp for the ages. I asked Ms. Nancy if she could take a photo of us three. She did and I am so glad. I realized I don't have many photos of the four of us. Much less the five.

Squirt rarely smiles for strangers due to her studing them until she feels like she can figure them out. If Ms. Nancy can make Squirt smile, then she is going to do great with Tay! Thank you Grammie for the kids clothes for their first day of school.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wedela Baby

Tay is now offically a Wedela Baby.
This is the miracle Shampoo & Body Wash + Calendula Cream
that has transformed her skin to an even better level.
Daddy & I were trying to figure out what was causing Tay's skin to be so bumpy.
We then decided to rule out the citric acid found in the shampoo & body wash products.
Amazingly, we couldn't find a single product at Publix (it was so late at night, I couldn't shop at my wonderful Whole Foods) until we came upon Wedela Baby.
I am so glad we found these products. They have changed my Tay Tay's skin!

Friday, August 22, 2008

TN Titans & Boo

G-Pa took Boo to one of the TN Titans pre-season games.
Titans vs. Raiders
These two were made to go to the games together that's for sure.
We are so very thankful to have such wonderful grandparents that want to be plugged into our life. Boo, Tay and Squirt are so blessed!
This game started out with a pre-game tailgate in G-Pa's Prius.
Since we are now vegan, I made Boo his supper for him to take to eat prior to the game.
I was so excited to find vegan chicken-free nuggets!
Thank you Whole Foods and Plumgood for our great vegan foods.
Look at my sweet boy watching the game like a big boy.
He was born for this stuff.
This sure beats watching it on tv.
Here is Boo and his G-Pa.
G-Pa, thanks for taking care of little G.
He adores you and loves the time you guys spend together.I really love the photos JK took with her camera.
If only she would send them to me.
She is pictured below and I love her to pieces.
JK is an excellent mother, a great wife, a fantastic friend, a God-fearing woman, fashion forward, hosts a top notch bed & breakfast,
and she loves full-on make no bones about it big-time kind of love.
God knows just how thankful I am for those nights on the soccer field when, as a family, we became friends.
You are such a sweet soul & I will always cherish the times we had & will have together.
Here are some great pictures of Boo and JK's son, little E.
These boys love being around each other and it shows.
I love their faces when they are together.
They have the best time!
Here they are in the press box.
I promise little E does have a left eye.
I will make sure I post a photo with proof.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Shameless Scrapbooking Plug

Urbanite + Preppy = The Urban Prep
A New Off The Runway Collection From Scrap In Style TV
For the first time in SIStv history they're offering this brand new collection for pre-sale (but,only until 8/24 so order now). Why? Because they are having a super sale and they want you to be able to take full advantage of it! This week only, every order of $50 or more will receive a $10 gift card to the SIStv Boutique (does not include gift certificates or digital products)! That includes all new Jenni Bowlin, Cosmo Cricket, American Crafts, and the new Urban Prep Collection! So take advantage of this special offer! It's a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious kind of deal. :)
The Urban Prep Includes:
(4) 12x12 Sheets of Bazzill Cardstock, (2) 12x12 Sheets of American Crafts Paper, (3) 6x12 Sheets of American Crafts Paper, 2 Bazzill Scalloped Edges, 1 Sheet of Green Handmade Paper, 1 Set of Black Glitter LAX Thickers, 1 Set of Green Making Memories Puffy Alphabets, 1 Set of Heidi Swapp Circle Masks, 1 Set of Fontwerks Chipboard Houses, 1 Set of Fontwerks Chipboard Circles, 1 Set of Tim Holtz Metal Numerals, (1) 18 inch lengeth of Maya Road Sheer Plaid Ribbon, 1 Red Jenni Bowlin Die Cut Mini Label Paper, 1 Fontwerks Acrylic Stamp "Ringo Star"
SIStv Exclusive Price: $34.95

Order NOW from the SIStv Boutique

*For the local gals who read my blog, this is a company that is right here in Franklin, TN. I have really gotten to know the owner and other wonderful gals that go to pack the latest collections (myself included) and they are some of the sweetest most genuine ladies you have ever met. The products are top of the line as well. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I'll answer them.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Non-Toxic Tots Giveaway!

Who doesn't need this (esp. if you live in TN)?

There is a new shop for all things safe and natural for wee ones called Non-Toxic Tots. They carry so many precious things from organic outfits to safe sippy cups. And, there is a giveaway for a gift certificate going on at Mama K NJ's blog. Its only open until August 30th so get over there and enter for your little one!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Watch Out If You're On I-65

We have a new driver.
Squirt Muffin loves the steering wheel.
Even as I type that it sounds like an understatement. Here is the Squirt Muffin Cup standing on her daddy's legs.

Here is the view of my sweet babies from the passenger seat of the car.

I love my sweet babies!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Home Make-Over

Here is the house that Boo built.
That was the house that Boo built.
Now we have involved Cinderella & Daddy.

Cinderella is all perplexed because Daddy and Boo want to take her house apart to make theirs look better. Now if you notice her house was unlivable, so it needed to be condemned anyway. They did add some equity back into the community.
Three heads are better than one.
One might ask, why no final photo?

Well, if your house got condemned, wouldn't you want to retaliate?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lower That Crib

Squirt is now a big girl.
We tried to keep her from crawling and now look at what she has done.
That little rebel.
She is so excited with her new found hobby that we lowered the crib last night.
*The black stripes on the back of the crib were suppose to hold up the bumper.*
Hook & loop didn't stand a chance with Squirt.

Hi Boo & Tay!

She is going to be 9 months on Friday.

I am so missing the little baby phase, yet I love having this sweet angel look at her daddy and get so excited. She has always been a daddy's girl and I sure hope she stays that way.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


These really are random photos put together because I didn't want to have to write different posts for them.
#1 - Squirt is enjoying a bath for the first time.
Since she has fallen in love with sitting up & can sit up well, she is now bathing this way.
We were just holding her in the shower because we couldn't stand for her to cry in the tub.
#2 - Squirt eating at Tossed

She loves eating in her seat.

Squirt also loves eating Cho-Cho's.

#3 - My sweet Boo Boo and Tay Tay having a shoe sale in our messy basement.

This is a precious memory for me. We were having so much fun just letting them play and not caring about the mess they were making.

Our conversation went like this:

Boo: "Mom, we are selling these shoes for a $1 a pair."

Me: "Really! I can buy every pair. I am so excited! I have never been able to purchase EVERY pair of shoes in a store before."

Tay: "Well, now the shoes are $10 a pair"

Me: "What? How did that happen so fast?"

Boo: " I think they are $100 a pair now, but you can still buy them all"

Me: "Man, inflation affects everything!"

#4 - Squirt is eating everything!

I mean everything!

I can not take my eyes off of her these days.

She puts everything in her mouth.

#5 - Squirt is also starting the crawling phase.

She does the worm instead of the crawl.

I think I am the reason she isn't crawling yet.

I am totally NOT wanting her to crawl yet.

Every time she starts to show signs, I am putting her in the sitting position. :)

#6 - Evidence.

Here is one of the many pieces of evidence.
Squirt is into eating books, baby dolls, food, cars...etc.
You get the point.
Keep things away and off the floor if you don't want her to eat it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

You're What?

Edited on 8-01-2008:
Do you know what I am talking about when I say somethings just stare you in the face?
I am having that moment right now.
I received this email today. It relates to my post and the following quotes were included in the story.
Proverbs 12:10: "A righteous man regards the life of his animals" (NKJV)
"I give you every seed-bearing plant and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food" (Genesis 1:29)
"the lion shall eat straw like the ox," and "they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain" (Isaiah 11:7 and 9, NKJV)
So I'm careful to communicate I'm a vegan (I changed this word) because I believe "'all things are lawful' but not all things are beneficial" for my body and the current state of the world (1 Corinthians 10:23, NRSV).
I will also add this part:
I knew God gave the animals into Noah's power after the flood, perhaps for him to eat in a vegetation-impoverished landscape. Later, God provided quail for the Israelites in the desert. Then Jesus came to earth and undoubtedly ate Passover lamb with friends and family. He also cooked his disciples a fish breakfast, part of the regional and cultural cuisine.
I understood both meat and vegetables were part of everything God gave his children for life. He asked only for good stewardship of his gracious gifts: body, earth, and spirit. For some people, fulfilling this command meant picking up meat with their forks.
But for me, by the end of my research, I knew caring for God's creation meant doing the unthinkable. I had to betray my meat-and-potatoes roots and become a crunchy granola woman.
End of Editing
VEGAN! I've said it.

This is the word that makes people look at me like I have just lifted up my shirt to show them my belly. Oh, wait...too much information for you to handle all at once. I see. I'll break it down for you.

I am reading the above book, Skinny Bitch, and it has transformed our lives. I have been reading this for a while because even though I have been dairy-free & egg-free for almost NINE months (wow! Even I had to have a double take), I have yet to give up meat.
Many of you know that our girls (and myself if I am honest) are very allergic to both dairy and egg, so that is what prompted this quest for a healthier lifestyle. Now, mind you, Daddy & boo have taken this path with us because as the old saying goes, "Mama is only going to cook one meal around this house."

Well, the meat was our biggest hang-up until I got to that part of the book (which was a couple of nights ago). You Are What You Eat. I thought about this title and was thinking, "Yep. I am what I eat. However, what I eat isn't all that bad now. I have cut out the fast-food restaurants, ice cream joints, & high fructose corn syrup (if you don't know why that's bad, click on the link & read health effects)." Once past the title, I was fully engaged in what seemed like a tug-o-war with my head. *Keep reading - Quit reading. Once you know, you can't claim ignorance. Type of battle*
I kept reading and what I read has changed me & my family. You see, I read it aloud to Daddy and he said, "You need to quit reading this to me, it's making me sick." Exactly my point. Now we both can't claim ignorance.

I understand that many of my readers are not ready for this jump, therefore I will not post what I read, just if you are curious, clink on the link, check out the book at the library, or purchase the book.

It's been SO good for us all to live this way! I can see such a change in all of us. I myself have dropped 50lbs ( I work-out maybe once a month), have much clearer skin (without washing it but one time twice a day), haven't had one single allergic reaction to the seasons change nor have I been sick in general (dairy adds to mucus build-up), and might I say that Dr. Oz would be proud of my bathroom behavior (enough said). Daddy and Boo feel better and look better also. Tay and Squirt are MUCH better and have a much better demeanor.

I really didn't realize that a simple change in eating would make such a difference in our minds, body, and spirit. I sound like a YMCA advertisement.

Well, now you know the scoop on us. We thought it would be better received if it came across in the form of the blog. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them. I welcome them all.

By the way, we aren't built to be meat eaters anymore. I use to use that as my excuse, however our species have evolved. Our teeth aren't razor sharp, our fingernails are dull, etc. We do not need to drink milk from another species. We really don't even need our own mother's milk (unless you are a baby, and if you are, you can't read this anyway). *my head is telling me to stop telling you this unless you asked for it* I will stop.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can't We All Get Along?

Their reflection is on the wall.
They truly are larger than life.
I looked over into our entry way this morning because the children were being awfully quiet.
Boo had lined up all of his toys on the table and was having a discussion with the men.
Batman said, "Isn't it great we can all get along?"
Whatcha think batman?
Isn't the monster truck cool?
"Come in Star Command. This yellow bird is creeping me out. He claims to be Big, yet he is shorter than my knee cap." said Buzz Lightyear.
The Hulk says, "I will crush you with my very long arms."
We will be holding hands and singing later in the day.
You should all stop by for tea with Batman.
I hear he has a great gathering.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Interpretation

You all know that I adore my husband.
With that being said, I have found these pictures on our camera & I want to attach a caption to each photo using my understanding of why he took such pictures.
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

I really don't know if some of these are worth that many.
Red Shirt guy,"Hello fellow SAE alumni, I am here to pay my dues."
Alumni at the table, "Let the hazing begin!"

Red shirt guy, "Dudes, I am also an alumnus."
Alumni at the table, "Oh, right...right...right. Does that really matter?"
Red shirt guy is paying his dues.
Fellow alumni behind him, "Sweeeet! We love a good goat ride! Did you bring the beer?"
Oh look, Reid Dogg is here!
Everyone is too busy getting there drink on to notice orange-stripe-shirt guy thieving a hat.
Thanks Dogg for catching this on film!
I don't that grown men can do three things at once.
Drink, smile and stand up straight at the same time.
Oh, wait this group is having trouble with the above task.
The natives are getting restless.
Starting to wonder if they are ever going to actually play golf.

Blue shirt guy,"Hey we are suppose to be standing.
Get up before the others see you."

Quick! Hide your can!
The golf cart police are coming!

Man, That was a close call!
I bet they won't find it now.
Now, this one could go many different ways.
How many slightly intoxicated men can drive/ride safely in a golf cart on a blistery hot day?

Does the above photo look like the parade is near?

The Tin Lizzy's must be back at Opryland!

Do you have 1-800-safe-auto?
What about Aflac?
You will need it if you wreck into my cart again going that speed!
Dude, my underarms are so sweaty!
Did you bring your antiperspirant or a fan?

My secret with dry underarms is to hold one arm up and one arm out.
Try it, it works.

Now is this a butt shot or what?
Oh, wait, we are looking at the form...right?
The peanut gallery.
Not doing much, that I can see.
This is a golf game, right?
Then how come the blue-hat-guy doesn't even have a golf club in his hand?
Dude still doesn't have a club in his hand.
Maybe he is exempt from this hole...yeah, that sounds good.
Oh, this is a great picture.
I am cart.
Someone famous?
Must get magnifying glasses...

Guys in cart, "Dude, that's the women's tee?"
Guy walking back to cart, "Shut up! It was my second shot!"
Who else is thinking micro-machines?
*Seriously, Reid Dogg had a great time hanging with his fellow man on Saturday. He was also happy to be home from his 3rd and final golf outing this year. Well, he did say that he will take Boo to play & of course, I chimmed in, "me too!". Who knows if he thinks I serious.