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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

You're What?

Edited on 8-01-2008:
Do you know what I am talking about when I say somethings just stare you in the face?
I am having that moment right now.
I received this email today. It relates to my post and the following quotes were included in the story.
Proverbs 12:10: "A righteous man regards the life of his animals" (NKJV)
"I give you every seed-bearing plant and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food" (Genesis 1:29)
"the lion shall eat straw like the ox," and "they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain" (Isaiah 11:7 and 9, NKJV)
So I'm careful to communicate I'm a vegan (I changed this word) because I believe "'all things are lawful' but not all things are beneficial" for my body and the current state of the world (1 Corinthians 10:23, NRSV).
I will also add this part:
I knew God gave the animals into Noah's power after the flood, perhaps for him to eat in a vegetation-impoverished landscape. Later, God provided quail for the Israelites in the desert. Then Jesus came to earth and undoubtedly ate Passover lamb with friends and family. He also cooked his disciples a fish breakfast, part of the regional and cultural cuisine.
I understood both meat and vegetables were part of everything God gave his children for life. He asked only for good stewardship of his gracious gifts: body, earth, and spirit. For some people, fulfilling this command meant picking up meat with their forks.
But for me, by the end of my research, I knew caring for God's creation meant doing the unthinkable. I had to betray my meat-and-potatoes roots and become a crunchy granola woman.
End of Editing
VEGAN! I've said it.

This is the word that makes people look at me like I have just lifted up my shirt to show them my belly. Oh, wait...too much information for you to handle all at once. I see. I'll break it down for you.

I am reading the above book, Skinny Bitch, and it has transformed our lives. I have been reading this for a while because even though I have been dairy-free & egg-free for almost NINE months (wow! Even I had to have a double take), I have yet to give up meat.
Many of you know that our girls (and myself if I am honest) are very allergic to both dairy and egg, so that is what prompted this quest for a healthier lifestyle. Now, mind you, Daddy & boo have taken this path with us because as the old saying goes, "Mama is only going to cook one meal around this house."

Well, the meat was our biggest hang-up until I got to that part of the book (which was a couple of nights ago). You Are What You Eat. I thought about this title and was thinking, "Yep. I am what I eat. However, what I eat isn't all that bad now. I have cut out the fast-food restaurants, ice cream joints, & high fructose corn syrup (if you don't know why that's bad, click on the link & read health effects)." Once past the title, I was fully engaged in what seemed like a tug-o-war with my head. *Keep reading - Quit reading. Once you know, you can't claim ignorance. Type of battle*
I kept reading and what I read has changed me & my family. You see, I read it aloud to Daddy and he said, "You need to quit reading this to me, it's making me sick." Exactly my point. Now we both can't claim ignorance.

I understand that many of my readers are not ready for this jump, therefore I will not post what I read, just if you are curious, clink on the link, check out the book at the library, or purchase the book.

It's been SO good for us all to live this way! I can see such a change in all of us. I myself have dropped 50lbs ( I work-out maybe once a month), have much clearer skin (without washing it but one time twice a day), haven't had one single allergic reaction to the seasons change nor have I been sick in general (dairy adds to mucus build-up), and might I say that Dr. Oz would be proud of my bathroom behavior (enough said). Daddy and Boo feel better and look better also. Tay and Squirt are MUCH better and have a much better demeanor.

I really didn't realize that a simple change in eating would make such a difference in our minds, body, and spirit. I sound like a YMCA advertisement.

Well, now you know the scoop on us. We thought it would be better received if it came across in the form of the blog. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them. I welcome them all.

By the way, we aren't built to be meat eaters anymore. I use to use that as my excuse, however our species have evolved. Our teeth aren't razor sharp, our fingernails are dull, etc. We do not need to drink milk from another species. We really don't even need our own mother's milk (unless you are a baby, and if you are, you can't read this anyway). *my head is telling me to stop telling you this unless you asked for it* I will stop.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can't We All Get Along?

Their reflection is on the wall.
They truly are larger than life.
I looked over into our entry way this morning because the children were being awfully quiet.
Boo had lined up all of his toys on the table and was having a discussion with the men.
Batman said, "Isn't it great we can all get along?"
Whatcha think batman?
Isn't the monster truck cool?
"Come in Star Command. This yellow bird is creeping me out. He claims to be Big, yet he is shorter than my knee cap." said Buzz Lightyear.
The Hulk says, "I will crush you with my very long arms."
We will be holding hands and singing later in the day.
You should all stop by for tea with Batman.
I hear he has a great gathering.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Interpretation

You all know that I adore my husband.
With that being said, I have found these pictures on our camera & I want to attach a caption to each photo using my understanding of why he took such pictures.
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

I really don't know if some of these are worth that many.
Red Shirt guy,"Hello fellow SAE alumni, I am here to pay my dues."
Alumni at the table, "Let the hazing begin!"

Red shirt guy, "Dudes, I am also an alumnus."
Alumni at the table, "Oh, right...right...right. Does that really matter?"
Red shirt guy is paying his dues.
Fellow alumni behind him, "Sweeeet! We love a good goat ride! Did you bring the beer?"
Oh look, Reid Dogg is here!
Everyone is too busy getting there drink on to notice orange-stripe-shirt guy thieving a hat.
Thanks Dogg for catching this on film!
I don't that grown men can do three things at once.
Drink, smile and stand up straight at the same time.
Oh, wait this group is having trouble with the above task.
The natives are getting restless.
Starting to wonder if they are ever going to actually play golf.

Blue shirt guy,"Hey we are suppose to be standing.
Get up before the others see you."

Quick! Hide your can!
The golf cart police are coming!

Man, That was a close call!
I bet they won't find it now.
Now, this one could go many different ways.
How many slightly intoxicated men can drive/ride safely in a golf cart on a blistery hot day?

Does the above photo look like the parade is near?

The Tin Lizzy's must be back at Opryland!

Do you have 1-800-safe-auto?
What about Aflac?
You will need it if you wreck into my cart again going that speed!
Dude, my underarms are so sweaty!
Did you bring your antiperspirant or a fan?

My secret with dry underarms is to hold one arm up and one arm out.
Try it, it works.

Now is this a butt shot or what?
Oh, wait, we are looking at the form...right?
The peanut gallery.
Not doing much, that I can see.
This is a golf game, right?
Then how come the blue-hat-guy doesn't even have a golf club in his hand?
Dude still doesn't have a club in his hand.
Maybe he is exempt from this hole...yeah, that sounds good.
Oh, this is a great picture.
I am cart.
Someone famous?
Must get magnifying glasses...

Guys in cart, "Dude, that's the women's tee?"
Guy walking back to cart, "Shut up! It was my second shot!"
Who else is thinking micro-machines?
*Seriously, Reid Dogg had a great time hanging with his fellow man on Saturday. He was also happy to be home from his 3rd and final golf outing this year. Well, he did say that he will take Boo to play & of course, I chimmed in, "me too!". Who knows if he thinks I serious.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Three Stooges

They are so precious to us!
Boo and Tay are "glued" to the TV because it is rarely on & Squirt is having a blast playing in her tub o' blocks.
The older two love being around the littlest one & I believe the feeling is mutual.
*Yes, Tay is topless. Sometimes we wonder where she gets her sense of fashion.*

Friday, July 25, 2008

No Words

No Words.
My mind is racing, yet standing still.
I wish it would stop, yet the pain of spinning is keeping me at peace.
I am afraid if it stops, my tears would flow freely.
You see, my pastor, Dr. J. Howard Olds, is in the arms of his Father.
Dr. Olds went to see Jesus, and was cured of cancer, on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 4:30am.
His caring bridge website has more details than I want to offer with my fingers.
However, you may go here yourself.
Brentwood United Methodist Church has been my home church since 1982.
It's what I know.
It's comfortable.
It's my home away from home.
My children go to the day school there.
Chris and I worship there.
We attend Sunday School there.
All three of my children were baptized by Dr. Olds at BUMC.
Just last Sunday, I was speaking about how I was protesting moving back to Brentwood when Chris and I lived in SC and he got accepted into anesthesia school.
Today, I ate my words.
I looked around that church and all I saw was LOVE.
Love for a man that was one of the most kind, sincere, generous, tender, powerful, giving, forgiving, loving, nurturing, seed-sowing, fruit of the spirit, down to earth, hand on the door of heaven, showing you the compassion of Christ - kind of man.
The church was filled to the brim with people.
This was not like Sunday.
On Sunday, the church was almost empty - Summer Vacation.
Well, the vacations were cut short.
Even the Sunshine Choir came back from Choir Tour early to sing for Dr. Olds today.
That brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
If you know anything about High Schoolers - it's not like them to cut their once-a-year vacation early.
I saw some of my friends today and we just waived.
No words.
No words needed.
We knew.
Dr. Olds had the ability to just stand before you without saying a word and you knew what he meant.
These last three months we had with him were something else.
His cancer had progressed (he was diagnosed 11 yrs ago with colon cancer).
He was preaching from his soul.
As I sat in church today, I was enveloped with love.
My former pastors, Bishop Spain and Bishop Pennel, were preaching and it was like old times for me.
I felt like a little kid again.
As I sat next to my mom (Chris was at work and could not get off), I was reminded of the simplicity of life.
I take it for granted that everything in my body works without the need of medication, that I can get out of bed each day just fine, that my kids are extremely healthy, that each and everyday will be about the same.
I actually look forward to this routine of life.
As a former teacher, I love routines.
Now, I do not take for granted my marriage nor that everyone lives forever.
Those two things I do not take lightly.
If you know me, I will tell you how I feel & I mean it.
I was once told not to tell people you love them unless they are your family members.
Well, you know that's not how I feel.
I love big-time and I will let you know it.
My parents are divorced.
My mom's parents have passed.
My dad's dad has passed & my dad's mom has alzheimer's.
I do not take those two things lightly.
Back to simplicity, I loved watching both of my former pastors speak about the man whose voice I so longed to hear today.
Today was simple.
The sermon was simple.
The service was simple.
It was routine.
The one thing I didn't like about BUMC when I left is what drew me in today - like a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles.
When I was walking out of the service, mom and I were holding hands, I then waived to my friends, saw lots of familiar faces with many tears down their checks, quietly exited the narthex on the way to get the children.
Once at their doors, a smile appeared on their faces and on mine and moms.
This gave me great joy and peace.
I still have many thoughts and if you've read all the way to this, wow!
You are like my husband.
He somehow can take my all-over-the-board thoughts and make them into a straight line for him to follow.

In closing up my thoughts for this post, Dr. Olds has touched our hearts and souls in this family forever.
My children would rather go to the Awakening Service, than go to Sunday School.
Because of Dr. Olds.
I was listening to his last sermon (6/29/2008) tittle "Don't Stop" when we got home from church today.
Immediately, Gavin and Taylor Marie rushed over to the computer and said, "That's Dr. Olds".
They know this because they love hearing him preach.
I love that my babies want to go hear the sermon every week.
Dr. Olds will forever hold a place in our hearts.
He opened our minds to places we've never dreamed of going.
My children already know The Lord's Prayer & say it proudly every week in church.
Chris and I are a stronger couple because of Dr. Olds preachings and teachings.
We have made amazing friendships with other families in the church because Dr. Olds made you want to be better Christians, Parents, and Friends.
We will miss you Dr. J Howard Olds.
You are in a better place.
Thank you for making me a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, relative, and an overall better person.
No Words

Thursday, July 24, 2008

William Key Cortner

Welcome to the world, Key Cortner!
This sweet angel was born July 13, 2008.
Look at how beautiful he is.
He is just waiting for a kiss from me, isn't he?Seriously, I am in love with these toes!

Here is Key's sweet mama, Kate.She looks so beautiful!
I told her you put my "pajama's for two weeks" rule to shame. :)
And yes, Tay had to get in this photo.
How do I look as a mom of four?
Squirt is looking at me like I'm crazy, so you don't have to.
This is Blake.
He is Key's daddy. Key's mama is holding squirt muffin.
She kept saying, "Wow, this is what we will be doing in 8 months."

Here are some photos of Key's nursery.
Kate is an interior designer, Mary Kay director, & a new mom,
so she has her "stuff" together.

Key has the coolest room in the house!

Now for the kitchen.
I am in love! This is the cleanest, most beautiful post-pardom kitchen I have ever seen.
For a first time mom, Kate you get the I have my Sh*t together award!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cupcakes Anyone?

Some of my Hip Mama friends came over to indulge in some of
The Hip Mama's gathered together to indulge in some Chinese Chicken Salad and Chocolate Cupcakes with Confetti Icing.
Did I mention everything was dairy-free & egg-free?
It was and it was SO good! We had a fabulous time chatting, eating, & letting the babies play.
The babies loved the kid friendly table, plates and...wait, are they trying to share food? Well, that wasn't part of the plan.
Boo and Tay are loving the cupcakes!
Some of the Hip Mama's eating and watching their babies
More Mama's eating and watching their babies.
Wait...who's in the door with that pose?
Oh, that would be my "daisy duke" posing girl. Someone needs to tell her to not grow up.

One of the mama's feeding her little boy a cupcake.

Another mama fixing a cupcake for her and her boy.

This hip mama is looking precious with her sweet little angel.

Do you see anything in my teeth? No? I didn't think so.

Here are some mama's and babies

I love this photo. We so enjoyed the cupcakes!

Thank you Pamela's Products!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


This photo was taken with my phone.
Sorry for the poor quality. :)
Many of you have asked how our little Muffin Cup is doing. She is MUCH better! Thank you all for your prayers of healing. When the Dr. said that this can be caused by an allergic reaction, Daddy Bear and I thought that we had "sterilized" the house of all egg and dairy products. However, come to find the "Natural Flavor" in the margarine is a milk derivative. Well, needless to say, we were pissed! All the hard work and effort on our part and now THIS?! So, back to square one in our efforts and a more careful eye when shopping and eating out.

By the way, Olive Garden is not careful in the kitchen with the allergies like other restaurants we have been to. Thank goodness we are not deathly allergic to dairy or else I wouldn't be here.

We are now back to eating dairy-free and egg-free and all is well with the Reid's.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Spiderman and Darth Vader

Spiderman was wearing his pirate hair and carrying his light saber when he mysteriously found Darth Vader carrying the pirate sword.

Coincidence? I think not.

WHAT? Spidy, that's not Darth!
That's Conner!
Nice Dreads though, Spidy.

One would think this photo is precious.

Don't let her fool you. She is sitting in time out for pushing this most precious little boy, Will. For no reason. Well, I must say, that even if she had a reason, it wouldn't be good enough. She still should not push. Tay needs to learn not to look so darn cute in time out.